Numbers 28
25 “Conclude the seventh day in holy worship; don’t do any regular work on that day.

Do you remember when? Do you remember when you went to church on Sunday, lifted your hands to the Lord, gave Him praise, prayed, got delivered from things that you could no longer handle? Do you remember when you were excited about going to worship? Do you remember when you couldn’t wait to hear the preacher bring the word?

So, what’s changed? Why is Sunday becoming more like Monday? There are some that will fight you on this, these I have found to be the ones shopping and eating out on this day they call holy. Not being judgmental here, just telling you what I have lived.

I do also realize that we live under grace and not the law, but is there a day we should set aside just for God? I have heard people say “I give God one day a week” or “I go to church Sunday and Wednesdays ain’t that enough?

Here’s what I’m saying, live it! Live everyday as it is for God! Wake up thinking and praying to God. Go to sleep thinking and praying. Is that too much?

I like thinking vs 25 should say “conclude everyday in holy worship”, but I didn’t write it. Is there a time each day you speak to God, the one who holds your breath in His hands.

Kyle told me one time, “ski like it’s the last time you will ever ski. I thought about that and said later “worship like it’s the last time, pray like it’s the last words you will ever be able to speak, give to God like it’s the last time you will be able to give anything. How would it be to stand before God and say “I came into your presents giving my last dime, I came into your presents speaking to you, I came into your presents worshiping, I came into your Holy presents loving you and showing your love to someone who really needed to be loved.

Set aside some time for worship today. Live it!

George Beasley

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

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